Share & Win!

✨ #我的拿手菜 挑戰賽✨ #MySignatureDish Challenge
📸 分享拿好禮! Share & Win
1️⃣ 選一個小磨坊調味粉撒在您的餐點上
2️⃣ 拍照或錄影並上傳至 FB/IG/小紅書
3️⃣ 標記 @TF International 並加上 #小磨坊料理王 #小磨坊品牌月
✨ 最多按讚 & 留言的前 3 名,可獲得 小磨坊豪華調味組合!
1️⃣Choose one of the Tomax seasoning powders and try it with your dish
2️⃣ Take a photo or video and upload it to Facebook, Instagram, or Rednote
3️⃣ Tag @TF International and use hashtags #Tomax #TCK🏆
✨The top 3 posts with the most likes and comments will win an exclusive Tomax premium seasoning set! 🎁
🎉 小磨坊調味粉 Tomax Seasoning
現在您可以在餐桌上自由使用 小磨坊精選調味粉,
Discover a new taste experience!
Now you can freely use Tomax premium seasoning powders at your table to enhance your meal!
Try different combinations and find your perfect flavour!
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